Joaquín Trincado Mateo

Joaquin Trincado mateo
Born Joaquin Trincado Mateo
August 19, 1866(1866-08-19)
Navarra, Spain
Died December 6, 1935(1935-12-06) (aged 69)
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Known for Founded The "Magnetical-Spiritual School of Universal Commune" (EMECU), and a new perspective on Spiritism; "Spiritism Light and truth".

Joaquín Trincado Mateo was a Spanish philosopher. In 1911, he founded the Magnetical-Spiritual School of Universal Commune in Buenos Aires, Argentina, which is fundamentally based on the study of "eternal and continuous life", mainly contained in its "Light and Truth Spiritism".



Youth and Family

Joaquín Trincado Mateo was born in the Spanish city of Cintruenigo (province of Navarra), son of a working class family consisting of Ignacio Trincado Alfaro and Romualda Mateo de Ayala, who married on April 13, 1856. Ten years after this union was born their son Joaquin. Before 18 years old, studied at a school Jesuit 18 months, where he learned the Catholic principles.[1]

He studied the craft of electrician

Foundation of the EMECU

In 1912 Joaquín Trincado Mateo travels to East Jerusalem where he was received by the guardians of the school of the Essenes Kábala, who after being rewoven, delivered papers and parchments, key to unraveling the tales of mistakes and religious history, also receiving the order to open a School, a continuation of the Kábala, now an open door for the entire world, destroying sophistry, lies and misrepresentations of the personal life of the great prophets.

In addition to writing tirelessly on spiritism, he was given time to promote the progress and unity of Spanish-speaking people, developing a Referendum that accepted the core nations of the Continent on October 12, 1921 to integrate the Hispanic-American-Oceanic Union (UHAO) With the symbol of the flag of 7 colors of the rainbow and the Oak tree of guernica Spain. In 1925 founded the Organization Templo Azul Racionalista (Otar) for the unification of scientists and intellectuals and then the "Circle Master's Advocate", to unite secular education that teachers should teach other teachers/instructors. On July 25, 1931, he founded the Colonia "Jaime" in Santiago del Estero, Argentina, which still exists as a model for the world.

The new school he founded, Escuela Magnetico-Espiritual de la Comuna Universal, was very popular since its launch. In the first 24 years of life EMECU 184 branches were opened in several provinces in Spain and america countries such as Cuba, El Salvador, United States, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Puerto Rico, Santo Domingo, Uruguay and Venezuela.[2] For its administrative operation, it established a rigid discipline to the Rules of Procedure, Statutes, Circulars and Articles from its official magazine "La Balanza" (The Balance) of which 272 copies are kept - describing the personality of the Civil School and its authorities, with legal instructions to the governments of the world, to recognize the School as an educational institution, philanthropic and cultural studies with own metaphysical and scientific methods for the study and practice of the phenomena of minds on the subject.

At his death on December 6, 1935, Mateo left the Directorship of the school to his wife Maria Mercedes Riglos Cosis, who delegated this authority to his eldest son Juan Trincado Donato, who died in 1992. Their heirs today, the trustees of unpublished works, reside in Buenos Aires and the Province of San Juan.

The Nicaraguan revolutionary and politician Augusto Cesar Sandino was one of the best known followers his "Luz y Verdad" ("Light and Truth") manifesto of 1931 is considered to be inspired by the teachings of Joaquin Trincado (for more details, see article Sandino)[3]

The Colony Jaime (Santiago del Estero)

On July 25 of 1931 directed the founding of the Colony Jaime (607 hectares), at km 711 of the National Route 34, in the department Robles in the northern province of Santiago del Estero (Argentina), which still exists. At present 25 families are still living (79 people, children, youth and adults) originated from the same Santiago del Estero, and Tucumán, Santa Fe, Buenos Aires and the Republic of Ecuador.[4][5]

Jaime works in Cologne since 1952 Provincial Public School No. 667 Pedro Juricich (primary and secondary EGB3 initial level), where many children attend the area and of the association. Includes Kindergarten No. 516/667.

It is 6 km from Beltran, 17 km from La Banda, and 25 km from the city of Santiago del Estero (capital of the province). 27 ° 47'24 "S 64 ° 04'54" W

He also created the Colonia Los Libertadores.

Death and hereditary system of administration

At his death on December 6 of 1935, Joaquin Trincado left the school to address a hereditary system: first his wife Maria Mercedes Riglos Cosis, and later his eldest son, Juan Trincado Donato, who died in 1992. The current heirs given some unpublished works of Trincado as The Red Book. Residing in the City of Buenos Aires and the province of San Juan.


Trincado philosophical doctrines are summarized in 14 books published (but 44 or more are still unpublished) whose content is defined in the essential structure of universal life and development of men from the social organization so far, in perfect conjunction with the universe and its laws, which is reflected in the universal solidarity. In his works, especially the last, Conócete a ti mismo, which is the synthesis of all states that no there is a point in life in the material, political and social, ethical, physical, metaphysical and spiritual, which has no solution in the Spiritism Light and Truth. Easily explains the spiritual nature of man and a critique on religion and a solution to the conflicts they generate. It also reveals and reflects on historical and political events around the whole world about 5700 years ago with a proven reliability based on recent findings. It reveals the prophecies of the apostles and prophets of the Old Testament, as the book of Revelation, the Apocalypse, written by the apostle John makes more than two thousand years where it is anticipated that asteroid hits the earth and renew the face of the earth. Spiritism light and truth, study, investigate, inquire, weighs, analyzes, verifies and makes axioms and laws, leaving the men free exam and does not allow fans, systematic, dogmatic detractors, mystifying, or supercheros. Not imposed, is exposed. Gives way to the science and asks men, works by faith. Declares that all men are sons of the Creator Eloi and the infinite, is only one family in solidarity.

Spirit and metaphysics

The spirit is based on the works of trincado, which is defined as the cause of all wit and innate human reason, is the modulator of all laws representing the life or pure reason is molecule metaphysical substance with the original cause and only called Eloi that to philosopher defined as universal vibratory center as the creator and father of the spirit. The spirit is the single will of Eloi with only substance which modulates the universal ether or electricity.

For universal life, as demonstrated in the bodies, worlds and men, the spirit is metaphysics, because all molecules evolves from the infinite to be collected in one body or physical demonstration, and therefore the figure is the spirit of imagination or the ideal of reason, and this is pure mathematics, as well as for the spirit, the metaphysical and incomprehensible figure for everything metamorphoses to reach their physical state laws demonstrative, it is therefore the figure Eloi abstract for the subject but the figure ideal for the spirit.

That ideal is born of spirit right, that first idea for these spaces, the infinite ether, and reasoned, the idea comes to the reality of mathematics and the ideal becomes a tangible reality, we measure and weigh even abstractly, and to that extent and in the heavy, weigh and measure the life, spirit and the Creator, the source of that mathematics they teach us the weight and

measures things in their physical condition.
Conócete a ti mismo

The spirit is simple and no ignorant but how to live in his works to perfect this will dull the instincts of the flesh and when it begins its struggle from which they derive different degrees of spiritual progress, being weak when it is dominated by the matter and strong and wise when he controls everything, without killing because it is his work. Make it clear that the degree of progress depends on their degree work and persistence in obtaining wisdom and warning when you have been taught to discern what caused him to fall and what helped him up.

Substance: ether and electricity

Ether, electricity or soul, is the universal substance from which drift all body and element said trincado. Explain that electricity and waves is the embodiment of ether which in their different magnitudes can be said to weigh the universal soul.

Ether, Soul, or electricity, we say the same thing and is the only existing substance, which, Electricity in all its phenomena, is the embodiment of ether in waves, led to mathematics by the laws of Ampere, Ohm and Joule, we can say, we measure and weigh the Universal Soul,
Conócete a ti mismo

But the all-pervading ether, which gives all its forms that soul itself can not give because it has no intelligence, will. As intelligence and will are only the spirit that is the computer and creator of all the demonstrations of life, and they can not see them, nor are there but composed of ether, material or substance that the spirit is only to create the forms show life, so electric and spirit are inseparable, and that is what drives all men, without being possible to do anything without the whole.

Political philosophy

The universal community of love and law is the political system proposed by trincado, spiritual commune which he says is the perfection of all progress and science in a single principle of wisdom, spiritism is the cause of all wit, which takes material progress to the maximum extent to which man can raise it without the personality of the spirit (in sight because the spirit was always hidden) and only for his inspiration the man worked. In the spiritual community, religious or bureaucratic parties no there and a constitution of justice and peace spiritual will be set permanently in earthly society, the worker joins and break the boundaries and rule the whole world one law: that of love and just one regime: The Commune, civilization, spiritism regime rational and family will be integrated into the land in Universal Commune of Spiritism, which is the policy of the creator Eloi, and governing all the worlds of Light consciousness and the earth being a world of light progress at social, economic, scientific and without any barriers at an accelerated pace.


Nothing is more beautiful and harmonious as the commune system and there is nothing largest of Eloi, down, spiritism because it is the universal creed. Say commune, say justice, and that spiritism is Eloi, for what spiritism is everything from the electron microscopic and impalpable to Eloi, in the intangible, and from the more rustic mineral to man in its most beautiful, in the tangible. Peace and love forever unites us, the family got bigger, we are brothers and the whole universe belongs to us for the work and science

Conócete a ti mismo

Controversy about modern political thought

Some politicians have tried to tilt his political position, the idea of spiritual community of trincado, so the emecu, has had to initiate legal proceedings in the courts of several countries. Trincado believes that humanity can not be divided into two or more classes because it is contrary to the progress and justice, and although the universal protest opposite the exploiters of worker rights is unknown and this is just socialism, can not maximalism and then justify the lack of rights to anyone or you can delete individual basic rights for the group because it falls on the same policy of the exploiter, where the group will always be the bureau - the clergy and not the people. Trincado says that socialism is the bridge between slavery and freedom which served as an ideal half-because men failed by prejudice, selfish fear you more than the other, arising from ignorance These defects, knows about religion and profit, more bribery and intrigue, for which the Church Catholic, These defects congenital, knows all too well the religion and the advantage with more bribery and intrigue for which the Catholic Church, then groups workers who are still unconscious, and the way in centers opponents and well schooled infiltrates between true freethinkers, to give discordant notes which stained the Progressives inciting them to rebellion, which cause the supremacy rendered irrational laws of repression, whose manner move away and weaken the enemy.

maximalism or Bolshevism, Catholicism and the Protestant schism, backward as they devise communism, with the sole purpose of saying, "We are Communists ";

In its doctrines is well and has seen, though late, that the first socialist in trouth, is Jesus the revolutionary and martyr of the priests, and logic tells us that, if religion was the cause of the murder of Jesus, and being the exploited the followers of that Protestant, be priests that undo the socialist party.

Made a spectral analysis, is not difference between religion and socialism, and the two ends should be impossible to assemble, but not only have come together, but have been confused. How worked the ... miracle ?..., done hypocritically socialists, the religious. This is why religion is not fearful of socialism, and by this too, went from socialism the power, because power is the people, not priests...
Philosophy Austere Rational


We are located in a large topic in the work of Trincado, who says that religion calls God to the passions of the priest, and that is the same actor, who manipulates the natural spiritual expansion of humans, creating rituals and dogmas, which carried to extremes, superstition and fanaticism, in the people, thus diminishing the spiritual progress, scientific and ethical, of the individual, to enslave the minds, and life in its totality, is that religion.

The philosopher said that religions are the cause of global evil, for whom the idea, the priests can only reign, while most of the people, will be subjected to the ignorance, lies dogmatic, which divides the population, and for this to be the religion who generates all the weeds, which cause confrontations based on calumny, divided into castes, each one hates the other to death, even more ingrained bigotry, that this will require a blind faith, ignorance and hence the antagonism born, always degenerates into terrible massacres because religion says elsewhere there is no salvation and their fanatics have imposed the killing of heretics and plunder their lands, killing their families, filling of mourning to the people and led the massacres. Then the defeated, sought refuge in another religious party, which is more of the same and only persists revenge, terror and injustice for generations. He concludes that religions and their priests are eternal enemies of progress and science, they are portrayed in history as brutal opposition and resistance to progress because they prefer to satisfy the vices and passions that are the degeneration of the basic instincts and necessarily they have to deny the spirit, progress and science. Is this the cause of the Inquisition at the height of the Renaissance was the flowering of free thought opposed to religion.

Christianity: amalgamation of all religions

The philosopher makes a criticism of the Christian religion, Roman Catholic, which he accuses of slander the life and work of the prophet Jesus of Nazareth and Moses, which he uses as a reference, to found his religious institution without consent because those prophets belong to the Jewish people and Israel, to which Rome at the request of the bishops, orders to exterminate, to defend the robbery they committed. Executed in the name of the prophet Jesus horrific crimes worthy only of beast, thus committing slander and falsehood in all their criminal activities.

Jesus, who said in his humility of heart, "Learn from me, for I am meek and humble of heart" "If ye do not what I do not enter the kingdom of my Father", Jesus had not where to lay the head property; Jesus, who took his love of extreme suffering most ignominious death given by the priests, Jesus entered the temple if it was because there was men and there taught them humility, freedom, respect and love, Jesus was always to his greeting, "Peace be with you", Jesus, which imposed: "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God" is a prefix to God is put as bulwark against love, charity, against mutual respect, contempt, against freedom, oppression, against humility, pride, against poverty, greed, hoarding and pageantry; against justice, injustice, and finally, those who call themselves his ministers do the opposite that he did, and with all this is done idol and it led to war, always announcing peace.
Conócete a ti mismo

Christianity has made cross and stripe over all evil, was appointed universal church to catch the secrets of other religions, with the promise of uniting all religions under one code and not fulfill. For this stole with lies, and there is bribery, and deceit. Was appointed apostolic and mystifies the apostles and their teacher: this, about being treacherous, is usurpation of names and rights for the purpose of deceiving the good faith of everyone who knew the apostles and through them, Jesus their doctrines; therefore, is neither universal, nor apostolic, and left alone, Roman Church, then, Rome, was the complete breakdown: what justice is in its born, degraded church. So many idols have done this depraved religion that stressed the wood and metals to forge images, altars and temples. Trincado called religion 666, the Roman Christian, which is mixture of all of the above, and which uses the prophets of freedom and love to lie, to enslave and exterminate the people who want to be free and wise, which absolutist policy is to counteract the false prophet and false god, calling himself father, when shown is that beast only crimes committed in nearly two millennia the Roman clergy. He says, All religions are idolatrous. Religions are the denial of the Creator. Only love is the mandate.


Among the texts most representative of Joaquin Trincado are:

Only about 18 of his 40 works have been published, and some of the remainder are missing from his archives.


  1. ^ Biography of Joaquín Trincado.
  2. ^ Chairs by Country
  3. ^ Interview with Walter Castillo Sandino, grandson of General Sandino por Luis Hernández Bustamante, el 31 de marzo del 2009, in the site web "Días Online"
  4. ^ Colonia Jaime (Santiago del Estero)
  5. ^ «Colonia Jaime celebra 79 años de una particular forma de vida comunitaria», artículo en el diario El Liberal de Santiago del Estero del 25 de julio de 2011; consultado el 7 de septiembre de 2011.

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